Sun damage and ageing

It affects everybody: Wrinkles and age spots are a natural result of the biological ageing process. The effects are especially visible in the upper layers of skin and destroyed collagen and elastin fibres in the reticular dermis are also a symptom of this process.

The type of lifestyle one lives can significantly influence the degree and speed at which skin ageing progresses. For example, smokers and sun worshippers, but also people exposed to high levels of wind and sunshine due to professional reasons, can expect premature skin damage. Genetic factors play a role as well. Many wrinkles, spider veins, age spots, and leathery skin are typical symptoms of excessive skin ageing. The development of actinic keratosis or malignant melanomas are among the possible serious consequences.

An in vivo exam with the VivaScope 1500, the VivaScope 3000 is advisable with risk groups so that gentle, non-invasive monitoring can be started early on. This makes it possible to detect and treat early any possible serious skin damage. Since VivaScope devices are also able to help researchers observe and track the penetration depth and skin response to cosmetic active substances, they significantly contribute to targeted research and development of this product group.

[1] Yamashita T, Akita H, Astner S, Miyakawa M, Lerner EA, González S: “In Vivo Assessment of Pigmentary and Vascular Compartments Changes in UVA Exposed Skin by Reflectance-Mode Confocal Microscopy.” Exp Dermatol. 2007: 16: 905-91.
[2] Gambichler T, Hyun J, Tomi NS, Moussa G, Moll C, Sommer A, Altmeyer P, Hoffmann K: “A Comparative Pilot Study on Ultraviolet-induced Skin Changes Assessed by Non-Invasive Imaging Techniques In Vivo.” Photochem Photobiol. 2006; 82: 1103-07.
[3] Sauermann K, Jaspers S, Koop U, Wenck H: “Topically Applied Vitamin C Increases the Density of Dermal Papillae in Aged Human Skin.” BMC Dermatol. 2004; 4(1): 13.

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